best answer
Bracketing (German: Einklammerung; also called phenomenological reduction, transcendental reduction, or phenomenological epoch epochéepochéEpoché (ἐποχή epokhē cessation ) is an ancient Greek term. In Hellenistic philosophy, it is a technical term, usually translated as a suspension of judgment, but also as abstention from consent. In modern philosophy Phenomenology refers to the process of letting go of assumptions and beliefs. Focus instead on the analysis of experience.
- Bracketing reveals the underlying thinking in social action . The bracketed approach focuses on identifying beliefs, ideas, and values that are taken for granted in the social world.
- Bracketing in Phenomenology Only Undertaken in… – NSUWorks Phenomenological Approach . Bracketing is a means of demonstrating the validity of the data collection and analysis process (Ahern 1999).
- Phenomenological theory applied through transpersonal reflexivity Bracketing is a key concept in phenomenological theory, but also highly controversial. The main reason for this is that phenomenology…
- (PDF) Bracketing in Qualitative Research Bracketing is a technique used in qualitative research to mitigate the potentially detrimental effects of biases that can spoil …
- (PDF) Bracketing in Qualitative Research Bracketing is a technique used in qualitative research to mitigate the potentially detrimental effects of biases that can spoil …
- Bracketing in phenomenology is done only when collecting data… A key feature of phenomenological research is bracketing; discarding one’s own beliefs and knowledge about the phenomenon under …
- Bracketing and Phenomenological Reduction A term used by Edmund Husserl to denote the suspension of judgment about the natural world (preceding analysis). It’s in brackets…
- What is the difference between bracketing and Husserl reduction? What is the difference between bracketing and Husserl reduction?
- Bracketing Current phenomenological methods in sociology include the method… Ultimately, bracketing means abstaining from judgments about the true nature or…